Important and Confusing?
by Cera Nicole Storer
Q: Why is this stuff so important and why is it so confusing???
A: Hi Cera, you are not the first and probably will not be the last person to find accounting confusing.
In my experience the reason the subject can seem confusing is because it is not so well understood. Sometimes it's not taught so well. That's why I put together this site, which starts with all the
basic accounting concepts, including the absolutely crucial concept of the
basic accounting equation, and then continues to explain the basic accounting principles and procedures step by step.
I can tell you that if you want the subject to be less confusing just use this site and work your way through the lessons starting with the accounting equation.
Why is accounting important?
Mainly because it is the
international language of business.
And it is the
records of a business.
It is the way companies communicate how well or not so well
they are performing. It is the
numbers investors look at when deciding whether to support a business using their money.
Even knowing just a basic knowledge of accounting can put you leap years ahead of others in the business world. It certainly makes you far more of an asset to any business.

Of course, if you want to practice as an accountant or bookkeeper and be responsible for a company's records then you simply
have to know accounting - and know it well.
That's why accounting is so important.
Hope my answer helps motivate you in studying this subject!
All the best,
Michael Celender
Founder of
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